Shane Hsuan-Yu Lin

shanehlin [at]

About me

Welcome! I am an Assistant Research Fellow/Assistant Professor at the Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica (IPSAS) in Taiwan and an Affiliate in Research in the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University. I was a Fulbright fellow (2016-2017), a Pre-doctoral Fellow in the Democratic Statecraft Lab at the University of Virginia (2019-2021), and a Pre-doctoral Research Fellow in the Fairbank Center at Harvard University (2021-2022). 

I research the influence of social media on public opinion about foreign policy, with a focus on the United States and Taiwan. Substantively, I utilize survey experiments to explore how political elites can take advantage of elite cues to compete with, even “manipulate,” peer cues in order to shape public opinion about foreign policy in their favor on social media.   

I received my Ph.D. in Politics at the University of Virginia and my M.A. and B.A. in Political Science at National Taiwan University. My Master's thesis won the 2014 Best Master's Thesis in Political Science Award granted by the Taiwanese Political Science Association.